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CAD Design Service

All You Need To See Your Finished Product

With Formula 3D Engineering 3D modelling, you see your finished product as a complete system with fully realized material densities, component dimensions and actual weights.
Years Experience
Designed Products
0 +
Designed Parts
50000 +

What does 3D modelling actually give you as a client?

Well, think about it; nothing has been built as yet, but you can see your dream is if it has been built in detailed 3 dimensional images. You can walk around it and see it from every angle; you can go inside it (so to speak); and you can see how it will function.

In other words, you can see your all-important infrastructure exactly as it will be and make even the most miniscule alteration to ensure it’s the best it can possibly be once it’s time to build. No more of those traditional engineering drafts and shop drawings that leave you largely in the dark.

No more of those nasty surprises when you see your finished product and it’s too late to change anything. With 3D modelling, you stay in control every step of the way because you can see exactly what you’re going to get; no surprises and no blow outs on project time due to unforeseen changes.

We Design using 3D Models.

With Formula 3D Engineering 3D modelling, you see your finished product as a complete system with fully realized material densities, component dimensions and actual weights.

We convert your design

Once the design of your model is completed we can convert your design into reality either via the traditional method of 2D workshop drawings or by interacting directly to CNC production processes with 3d files or dxf files.
Mechanical Design by Formula 3D Engineering

Get in contact today.

We invent, we design, but we also listen a LOT before we do anything. Why? Because if we don’t know what your business hopes to achieve with your new project, how can we invent something that actually works?

So let’s have a real world 3D chat before we go virtual. Call now on 0418 674 065 to talk directly to one of our support staff or send the enquiry form and we’ll be in touch ASAP.