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New Company!

Welcome to our New Company and Website

After almost 8 years operating under the Invent Design banner Formula 3D Engineering has decided to de-merge from Invent Design and operate as a single entity. During this 8 years period many great projects were completed. Perhaps the most notable projects were the Plate Storage Station for Hedweld Engineering and the Radial Stacker for George Fisher Mine in Mount Isa.

Previously operating under the name of Eng Concepts the decision was made to rename the company as Formula 3D Engineering. This name was chosen because it is symbolic of the company’s speciality of equation driven parametric 3D design.
Formula 3D Engineering will continue to operate with the same resources and engineering partnerships as it did under the Invent Design identity. As a single identity Formula 3D Engineering gains agility and is now positioned well to grow and maximise its full potential. When dealing with F3D you will have improved communication and will able to talk and interact with the designers.

The new name and fresh identity represent a new era and F3D looks forward to showcasing and continuing to develop its innovation and efficient design processes with new some new partnerships.

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